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Saturday, March 05, 2011


Q. In John 3:27 it is written, "A man can receive nothing, except it has been given him from heaven." Does Yahweh show partiality? If not, why some are very rich whereas some very poor; some are strong whereas some are weak; some are clever and fast whereas some are dull and slow; some are polite whereas some are impolite; some are generous while some are mean?
A.  No, the verse does not show partiality. In fact, Galatians 2:6 says clearly, “God shows no partiality.”  We cannot say God made all our traits.  He has not made us like mechanical toys. That would be fatalistic -  “whatever will be, will be!” We can’t say that God makes some people rich and some poor. Oftentimes riches are made through corrupt practices and gambling.  God does make some people drunkards or gamblers. If a gambler has a big win, can we say God made him rich? 
Our Heavenly Father has given us all a mind, an intellect, and the power of volition – that is, the power to make decisions and choices. And we have the responsibility to make right decisions.  The tragedy is that the human race has become so corrupted, that some people have no incentive to make right choices; the influence of their environment causes them to “go the way of the world.”  But still they have a responsibility.  God gives the ability to every one to make a living, in some correct way. But some do not use their ability; and sometimes because of the corruption within or around them – alcohol, drugs, disease, rebellion, violence, some people are rendered poor or destitute.
We should read the Scriptures in their context to see what the real meaning is. In John 3:27, John the Baptist is answering the query of some of his disciples. They were commenting that everyone was now going to listen to Y’shua, while John’s following seemed to be reducing.  So John says, “A man can receive nothing unless it has been given from heaven. You yourselves are my witnesses that I said, ‘I am not the Christ’ but ‘I have been sent before Him’.”  “He must increase, but I must decrease.”   He is saying that his calling as a prophet is from God, and if God make him a little prophet, or a short-lived prophet, that is God’s choice. You can’t make yourself a prophet, a pastor, a patriarch, a true spiritual leader! It’s must come from God!
The callings and gifts of God are from God, and not man-made. And He distributes gifts (talents, callings, ministries, positions) – to each one individually just as He wills. (2 Corinthians 12:11)