Personal Evangelism
by Ron Gilbert
John 3:16: “For God so loved the
world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not
perish but have eternal life” (NLT). Romans 5:8: “But, God showed his great
love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners” (NLT).
These are scriptures that are
familiar to most of us and are very special for all of us. These words demonstrate just how much God
loved us. When we realize his love we also realize his sacrifice implies how
valuable we are to him. We are truly a treasure in the eyes of God.
The purpose of this presentation
is to help each of us begin seeing each other through the eyes of Christ and
recognize that every person we know or get to know is valuable to God.
A service should be planned with
a sermon based on John 3:16 and Romans 5:8.
Another idea is to preach on the topic, “Sharing your faith with
non-believing friends and family” based on Exodus 18:1-12.
At the close of the message believers
will be asked to place the name of one person into the black treasure chest.
This name should be a person that they care enough about that they are willing
to pray for him or her everyday until that person becomes a believer.
The plan is simple but requires a
strong level of consistency and commitment from all believers who are willing
to participate. There are certain
questions that believers should answer if they are considering making this
Question 1: Are you willing,
with God’s help, to reach out to the person you will place in the black
treasure chest?
Question 2: Are you willing to
pray for him or her everyday until
they become a believer? No matter how long it might take?
Question 3: Are you willing to
pray for yourself everyday, that God will use you in some way to reach out to
that person with the love of Christ?
Question 4: Are you willing to
pray for whomever God chooses to use to reach him or her?
Question 5: Are you willing to
put your commitment in writing by completing a commitment card that includes
the person’s name and also includes your signature?
Question 6: Are you willing to
publicly come forward and place the commitment card in the black treasure
If the believers answered “yes”
to all of these questions, they should be encouraged to complete the card and
begin (or continue) their daily prayers for the salvation of their friend or
loved one.
In the Treasure Chest of Love, we
have two treasure chests that serve as visual reminders of our commitment to
reach the lost for Christ, as well as making a public statement regarding our
willingness to pray for the salvation of others. One is a black treasure chest, and the other
is white. These treasure chests do not
need to be big or fancy; simple containers of the right color will do.
The black treasure chest
signifies two things:
- The color black signifies that the people whose names were placed inside do not know Jesus Christ, and therefore live in darkness.
- The Treasure Chest signifies that we recognize how valuable these people really are, both to us and to God. Remember, “…while we were still sinners Christ died for us.”
The white color of the second
treasure chest signifies that a person has become a believer. They have moved
from a life of darkness into a new life filled with the light of God and
“…their sins shall be as white as snow,” Isaiah 1:17-19 (NLT).
It is always amazing how much
excitement is generated when people are watching a sporting event and their
team scores. How much more excitement
should there be when someone becomes a believer in Jesus Christ as their Lord
and Savior! We have a great example from
the angels themselves in Luke 15:10: “I tell you, there is rejoicing in the
presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents” (NIV).
To help celebrate their new life
in Christ, a time of celebration should be held in the worship service each
time a person who’s name is in the black chest becomes a believer. In this time
of celebration, we move the name of the new believer from the black to the
white treasure chest. This serves three
- It demonstrates to the new believers that they have a group of people who care and are happy about their decision;
- encourages the believers that made the commitment to pray and reach out to others, showing that God still answers prayer; and
- helps convince the entire church that the names they individually committed can still be reached.
When possible this celebration
event should be planned when both the person who placed the name in the
treasure chest and the new believer can be present. It is very special when they both can come
forward and physically remove the new believer’s card from the black treasure
chest and place it in the white treasure chest.
Then the pastor, or other believer influential in the lives of one or
both people, should pray over them.
This is an opportunity to invite
others to place the name of someone they care about in the black treasure
chest. The pastor should use this
opportunity to remind the people how important it is to pray everyday for the
names that they have committed.
This may sound unusual, but we
recommend, when you first begin the Treasure Chest of Love initiative, that you
ask the believers to only put one name in the black treasure chest. WHY? Most
of us pray for people we care about, but most of us do not pray EVERYDAY for
that person. This initiative focuses on
the fact that the greatest resource we have for reaching someone is prayer. We
need to prove to ourselves that we will pray for one before we start praying
for many. Once an individual has proven
to oneself that he or she is willing to follow through on the daily prayer for
one person, he or she is welcome to place other names in the treasure
chest. Remember to refer to it as a
treasure chest and not just a box, to remind ourselves how valuable the
non-believer is in the eyes of God.
It is recommended that at some
point during every service, ideally during the pastor’s prayer time, that the
pastor take the two treasure chests in his or her hands and pray for the names
within. This would be done collectively
for all names in each chest, and not separately for each individual name within
the chests. Remember to include the
people whose names have been transferred from the black treasure chest to the
white treasure chest as they begin this new life with Christ. This prayer time:
- Demonstrates to the church that the pastor cares about those they care about.
- Reminds and encourages those who have placed a name in the black treasure chest to never give up and to keep praying.
- Encourages others to pray and participate. If the people see the pastor is serious then they will be serious.
- Shows that God answers prayer.
It is our prayer that this focus
on reaching out to those we love and care about will produce great answers to
prayer and many new believers will be brought into God’s kingdom.
I have had the opportunity to use
this method of personal evangelism since 1992 when my wife and I were in the
West African country of Ghana. We began
the work there with one small group of believers in the capitol city of Accra
and one small rural preaching point.
These small groups took on this initiative very seriously and within two
years we had five organized churches, fifteen preaching points and 1500
members. We were able to organize the
district with 750 present for that first district assembly in 1994. We were ordered out of the country within a
few months of the organization of this new district but the work did not fail!
Instead it continued to grow! Now instead of one district there are three, and
all are led by the people of Ghana.
As a pastor for several years
after that I was able to use this initiative and see churches that were
struggling come back alive and on fire for God with a desire to reach those
they loved and cared about. One specific
example was a man by the name of Dick.
Dick brought his wife to church
for 20 years but had always sat in the foyer.
He was a wonderful older gentleman that everyone loved, but most people
had long ago given up on reaching him for the Lord. We introduced this initiative and Wanda, his
wife, came forward in tears and placed Dick’s name in the black treasure
chest. We had TV monitors in the foyer
and Dick saw Wanda place his name in the treasure chest.
One Sunday night about three
months later, as the service was beginning, I was walking past Dick and spoke
to him as usual when he grabbed my jacket sleeve. He looked up at me with tears in his eyes and
said, “Pastor will you walk with me?”
“Of course Dick, where do you
want me to walk with you to?” I asked.
“I want you to walk with me to
the altar so I can get my name out of that black treasure chest,” he said. “I
have been under so much conviction ever since my name went there that it is
time I accepted Christ as my personal Savior. I cannot wait any longer.”
Dick and I began walking toward
the altar. On the way he stopped and grabbed Wanda’s hand and asked her to join
us. When the church realized what was
happening the prayers began simultaneously across that church and the
celebration began.
I must tell you that I did not
have to ask for people to celebrate. I
did have to finally ask them to settle down, but I must admit we all enjoyed
the celebration for a long time.
Dick’s name was the first to come
out of the black treasure chest at that church. It was the driving force for
seeing that 70-year-old church come alive and grow from 200 people to over 400
within the next two years.
God then asked us to move to
South Asia. As I was leaving, Dick, an old Navy man, gave me a special
gift. He had served on the ship named
the USS Franklin during World War II.
When they decommissioned that old ship and cut it into pieces he was
able to get some of the wood decking as a souvenir. One of the great treasures in my office is
the piece of that deck that was a gift from Dick for me to remember to pray for
him everyday. When I am discouraged
about someone I am praying for, God always brings my eyes to that old piece of
ship’s deck and reminds me to never give up.
God still answers prayer.
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